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Belt Conveyor

The belt conveyor conveys smoothly, and there is no relative movement between the material and the conveyor belt, which can avoid damage to the conveyed objects; the structure is simple, easy to maintain; the energy consumption is small, and the use cost is low.
  • Large volume
  • Simple structure
  • Easy to maintain
  • Component Standardization
  • Less noise
Belt Conveyor
Belt Conveyor

Product Description

Belt conveyors can be widely used in various industries such as metallurgy, mining, coal, ports, power stations, building materials, chemical industry, light industry, petroleum, etc. The conveyor is composed of a single or multiple sets of transport systems to transport materials, and can transport loose density of 5000 -2500kg/m3 of various bulk materials and finished items.

Belt Conveyor Pictures

belt conveyorsbelt conveyor

Belt Conveyor

Roller Type Belt Speed(m/s) Belt Width(mm)
500 650 800 1000 1200 1400
Conveying Capacity (t/s)
Groove type 0.8 78 131 - - - -
1 97 164 278 435 655 891
1.25 122 206 348 544 819 1115
1.6 156 264 445 696 1048 1427
2 191 323 546 853 1284 1748
2.5 232 391 661 1033 1556 2118
3.15 - - 824 1233 1858 2528
4 - - - - 2202 2996
Flat type 0.8 41 67 118 - - -
1 52 88 147 230 345 460
1.25 66 110 184 288 432 588
1.6 84 142 236 368 553 753
2 103 174 289 451 677 922
2.5 125 211 350 546 821 111

Contact Us

Tel: +86-29-88680837

Fax: +86-29-88680975

Mobile/Whatsapp/Wechat: +86-13735815206

E-mail: sales@hlsolidscontrol.com
